The mission of NAAS is to support the implementation of state policy in the agricultural sector and the achievement of priorities and goals set by MAFWE for efficient and competitive agriculture in the Republic of Bulgaria, assisting in the development of the national system of knowledge and innovation in agriculture and offering farmers quality consulting services, up-to-date and useful information, training and technical assistance.

The vision for the development of NAAS - establishing NAAS as a preferred advisory service by farmers, which uses modern technologies and methods for providing consulting services in the field of agriculture and rural areas and as a leader of the national system of knowledge and innovation in agriculture.


• provides specialized consultations in the field of agriculture;

• provides consulting assistance to farmers, associations and other organizations related to agriculture;

• provides free consulting services through sub-measure 2.1.2 "Consulting services for small farms" and sub-measure 2.1.1 "Consulting services for farmers and foresters" of Measure 2 of the Rural Development Program 2014-2020. funded by the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development. The consulting services under measure 2 are grouped in different consulting packages (CP). The content of the individual CPs as well as the conditions for their receipt can be seen here (link 2.1.2 and link 2.1.1)

• assists by providing information and advice for the establishment of organizations of agricultural producers in accordance with the common agricultural policy of the European Union;

• supports the transfer and application of scientific and practical achievements in the field of agriculture;

• organizes and conducts training of agricultural producers;

• provides advice, information and training materials and specialized services in the field of agriculture;

• performs laboratory tests related to the main activity of NAAS at prices, normatively determined up to the amount of the incurred expenses according to the price list approved by the executive director

• carries out its activities in cooperation with governmental and non-governmental organizations in the field of agriculture