In January 2017, the NAAS, as a member of an international consortium, launched a Horizon 2020 project (EU Framework Program for Research and Innovation) on topic “Mutual Learning: Access to Innovation through Demonstrations (Peer - to- Peew Learning: Accessing Innovation through Demonstration) ”. The project was approved by tender procedure (call) RUR-11-2016 "Demonstrations of farms: mechanisms for learning of farmers".

The PLAID project will identify, summarize and publish best practices and innovative approaches to market economy demonstrations in the EU 28, Switzerland and Norway. One of the main activities of the project will be the creation of access to demonstration activities through search capabilities in a georeferenced inventory and map, covering all 30 countries and developed in "virtual" (online) demonstrations, comparing the impact of different models for management and mechanisms for financing the processes of mutual learning and accessibility.

The implementation of the project activities is divided into 8 work packages (WP), for the implementation of each work package a certain member of the consortium is responsible, incl. and NAAS.

NAAS is the leader of FP 4 "Facilitating access through virtual demonstrations", which will develop and evaluate online solutions to expand the scope of demonstration activities on market farms.