The NEFERTITI project cross-visit, organized by Network 07 "Improved Nutrient Use Efficiency in Horticulture" and Network 08 "Water Efficiency in Horticulture", took place from 27 to 28 April.

The meeting was attended by more than 25 members of the networks from Poland, the Netherlands, Spain, Portugal, Germany and Bulgaria - representatives of advisory organizations, farmers and researchers. 
The city of Almeria and its surroundings are at the center of one of the most important agricultural areas in the whole of Europe. Huge areas are occupied by greenhouses that produce tens of thousands of tons of fruit and vegetables, with over 80% of production exported to Europe. Almeria's model of greenhouse development is an example for scientists all over the world.        
The introductory session was held in the town of Almeria, Spain. Representatives of the NEFERTITI project team from the University of Almeria provided an introduction to the upcoming cross-work visit and in particular a presentation and discussion of the organizational and methodological aspects. A discussion was held on the functioning of the Agricultural Knowledge and Innovation System (AKIS/AKIS) in relation to greenhouse production.

A presentation was made on greenhouse vegetable production in south-eastern Spain and irrigation and nutrient management and related problems in the greenhouse system of Almeria. Information on host farms and the focus of site visits during the event was presented.
The cross visit continued the following day with three demo field visits and demonstration of technological aspects improving plant nutrition including presentation of innovative approaches in this field.                  

The first visit was conducted at the Lola Gomez greenhouse farm, where was demonstrated the cultivation of soil and hydroponics crops - pepper and tomatoes.  The tomato crop was an example of the "enarenado" artificial soil system in Almeria. 

The Lola Gómez greenhouse demonstrated a tomato crop grown in coir substrate, planted on August 27, 5,000 acres, and a pepper crop grown in coir substrate, planted on July 7, 10,000 acres. Both crops in the substrate had nutrient solution recirculation. The substrate is rare in Almeria (10% of the acreage). Recirculation is very rare in Almeria. An example was shown of the use of a fertigation tank system, which is in Almeria.

The second visit was in a greenhouse farm, typical of Almeria, where the cultivation of a crop in soil - watermelon - organic management - advanced nutrient management (juices, soil solution) was demonstrated. Electric tensiometers (AIKOS) for automatic irrigation control were shown. The farm works in collaboration with José Manuel Torres Nieto (leading local consultant), whose professional philosophy emphasizes observation and measurement. The farm operates two greenhouses (7,500 acres and 9,000 acres) with the same crop- watermelons, planted on March 10, 2022.
The third visit for the day was in Francisca Escobar's farm, where watermelon cropping is also being demonstrated, but under conventional nutrient management. Electric tensiometers (Wise Irrisystem) for automatic irrigation management were shown - an example of fertigation using several tanks of concentrated fertilizer solutions. This is the most common fertigation system in Almeria. (Area 40,000 acres planted on January 28, 2022).

In summary, the demonstration day was able to demonstrate the importance of efficient nutrient management in the different farms, which goes hand in hand with efficient irrigation and innovation in the overall management of all technological processes, as well as the highlights of their activities - benefits, difficulties and drawbacks.

The final meeting was held at the University of Almeria and a discussion was held on the visits made and the best practices presented in greenhouse vegetable production.

Overall, all participants were grateful for the fruitful event, the exchange of experiences and ideas and the hospitality of the team from Almeria.
Overall, all participants were grateful for the fruitful event, the exchange of experiences and ideas and the hospitality of the team from Almeria.