Administrative service

General information
for users of administrative services regarding the provision of administrative services for commenting, alerts and suggestions.
1. Name of the administration: National agricultural advisory service
2. Structure: NAAS is structured into two directorates: "Administrative, financial activities"   and  "Agriculture Advisory and Analytical Laboratory" with 27 regional district offices
3. Headquarters and address: 1331 Sofia, ul. "Bansko shose" 7 Headquarters of NAAS.
Addresses and contact details of regional district offices are available on the website of NAAS
4. Contact information / Unit Administrative Services
1331 Sofia “Bansko shoes 7” str.
Internet address:
Telephone number: +359 2 810 09 88, fax: +359-02-810 09 94
5. Bultsat
130 339 616
6. Work time of NAAS and the regional district offices: every working day from 09:00 to 17:30 hours, lunch break of the employees is from 12:00 to 12:30 hours. Acceptance of applications / provision of services to citizens is done in Headquarters and in all regional district offices without interruption during the working day. When there are users of administrative services in the offices, at the end of the scheduled work time, employees continue until the completion of their service, but no more than two hours after the scheduled time.
7. Description of administrative services provided by NAAS
7.1. Title: Analyzes of soil, plants and irrigation water, Reg. № 696
- Legal basis: Rules of Organization and Procedure of the National Agricultural Advisory Service Act to assist farmers.
- A department that provides administrative services: department "Analytical Laboratory" MD "Agriculture Advisory and Analytical Laboratory"
-Required documents: Application form by applicants for the administrative service.
-Ways of applying for the service: The service states of place in the laboratory or 27 regional district offices by e-mail, postal / courier and / or other selected citizens manner. Important: Samples are sent on-site laboratory (Sofia, ul. "Bansko shose" №7) in person or by mail / courier to the address or by 27 regional district offices.
- Fee: The service is paid according to approved by the Executive Director of NAAS price list. Payment is made by bank transfer to the specified bank account.
An electronic payment is going to be introduced via POS device
-Deadline: Up to 15 working days from reception in the laboratory and for emergency samples-up to 5 working days.

-Ways to obtain the result of the service: A protocol shall be issued for the service performed. The protocol can be obtained in the laboratory and/or in the 27 regional district offices, and sent to an e-mail, a postal/courier shipment and/or another chosen by the citizens way.
Detailed information and templates are available on the NAAS folder "Laboratory"
7.2. Name: Provision of specialized consultancy services to farmers for land management and farm, Reg. № 2157
-legal basis: Rules of Organization and Procedure of the National Agricultural Advisory and Assistance Act of farmers;
-a body providing the Administrative Service: MD Agricultural advisory  and analytical laboratory, through the experts of the 27 regional district offices
-Required documents: not required;
-Ways to request the service: The service is provided on site in the 27 regional district offices of Naas, in the frames of the outside office (in settlements other than the District city) and/or on-site visits to the farm.
The consultations provided shall be entered in the register of the farmers who received the consultancy (Consultation journal) and in the information system for the management of the consultancy activities of NAAS.

On the website of NAAS, folder "About us/structure/territorial offices" are announced the phones (landline and mobile), faxes and e-mails of all experts in 27 regional district offices, which can be used to obtain consulting services.
On phone 07001 2476 A free consultation is received for the price of 1 city call.
On the website of NAAS, in the "Questions and Answers" section, questions may be asked to which the relevant specialists answer, and the answers are published in the same section.
On the website of NAAS, under the heading "Library", you can find specialized information, which is provided as a free service by electronic means.
-Fee: The service is free.
-Deadline: The service is provided on site immediately except where the nature of the consultation requires the recruitment of additional information and/or reference from other administrative structures.
7.3. Name: Provision of consultancy packages for PRD 2014-2020, Reg. № 2288:
А) Provision of consultancy packages for PRD 2014-2020 sub 2.1.
B) Provision of consultancy packages for PRD 2014-2020 sub 2.1.2
-legal basis: ordinance №13 from 19.5.2015y. implementing the sub 2.1. „Help provide consulting uneconomic services " of PRD and ordinance №7 from 5.5.2016 y. 
implementing the sub 2.1.2 “Advisory services for small farms” of PRD.
-department, which provide administrative services: MD  "Agricultural Advisory and Analytical Laboratory" trough the experts of the 27 regional district offices .
-Required documents:
Application by farmers as article 17 , paragraph 1 of ordinance 13 from 19.5.2015y. 
implementing the sub 2.1 “Help provide consulting uneconomic services” of PRD/ Application by farmers as article 15, paragraph 1 ordinance 15 from 5.5.2016y. implementing the sub 2.1.2 “Advisory services for small farms” of PRD.
Applications must be submitted in the 27 territorial regional offices of NAAS.
Required and other specific documents according to those regulations.
-Fee: The service is free
-Deadline: depending on the kind of consulting packages
- Methods for the outcome of the service: Prepare a report to be given to farmers in person against signature in the office and / or the holding (a requirement of the Regulations)

Detailed information and templates are available on the NAAS folder "Drafting and consulting services RDP":
8. Legislation in the field of administrative services and work with suggestions and warnings to citizens:
-Administrative Procedure Code;
- Ordinance on Administrative Services;
-Internal rules for organization of administrative services in NAAS.
Control Body:
Ministry of Agriculture, Food and forestry
9. Order for submission of proposals, alerts, complaints and commendations
The users of the administrative services provided by NAAS have the opportunity to submit complaints, alerts, complaints, suggestions and commendations regarding the quality of the administrative service:
-the registry of the National Agricultural Advisory Service at: 1334 Sofia, str. "Bansko shose"7
-by mail on the same address
-by e-mail to:;
- in the territorial district offices
- by calling +359 02 810 09 88;
- by box for alerts and suggestions placed in each of the 27 regional district offices and on the 3rd      floor in the building NAAS;
- by filling out a questionnaire card directly from the website and / or in the registry of the National Agricultural Advisory Service, respectively. at the offices of NAAS
A signal of illegal or incorrect or suspected corruption or omissions of officials from the administration, as well as signals concerning the quality of the administrative services provided, may be sent under the order specified in section 9.
The executive Director of the NSSZ shall give a reasoned decision on the report prepared by the examination to clarify the circumstances set out in the complaints, signals and proposals received.
The decision shall be taken at the latest within two months of its receipt. Where there are particularly important reasons for imposing, the period may be extended but not more than one month for which the sender is notified.
The decision is written, motivated and communicated to the submitter within 7 days of its adoption. When the decision concerns the rights or legitimate interests of other persons, it shall be communicated to them.
The decision shall be implemented within one month of the date of their adoption. Exceptionally, where this is necessary for particularly important reasons, the time limit may be extended but by no more than two months for which the sender is informed.
The received complaints, alerts and suggestions will be answered by the sender's chosen way-by post, on a specified e-mail or fax.
No replies will be sent and reports, complaints and suggestions that are anonymous, contain obscene expressions and offensive statements regarding the Bulgarian administration and institutions. Anonymous suggestions and alerts are considered to be those that do not contain enough data for feedback with the sender – name and address for return correspondence.

10. Basic normative acts related to the activity of NAAS
Law on administration;
Law for the civil servant;
Personal Data Protection Act;
Law on access to public information;
Law on support to farmers;
Agricultural Academy Act;

and the following internal rules, approved by the Executive Director of the NAAS as an integral part of the system of financial management and control
• Code of ethics of employees from NAAS
• Customer Charter
• Internal rules for organization of administrative services in NAAS


Administrative services are provided in accordance with approved  Order  by №RD-11/03-479 from 10.10.2017 y. of  the Executive Director of NAAS “Internal rules for the organization of administrative service and competitive service in the National Agricultural Advisory”.
General information about users of administrative services regarding the provision of administrative services for commenting, alerts and suggestions
Procedure for submission of proposals, signals, complaints and praise
Users of administrative services provided by NAAS have the opportunity to lodge complaints, alerts, complaints, suggestions and compliments on the quality of administrative services:
- the registry of the National Agricultural Advisory Service at: 1334 Sofia, str. "Bansko shose" 7;
-by mail ot the same address
-by e-mail to:;
- in the territorial district offices
- by calling +359 02 810 09 88;
- by box for alerts and suggestions placed in each of the 27 regional district offices and on the 3rd      floor in the building NAAS;
- by filling out a questionnaire card directly from the website and / or in the registry of the National Agricultural Advisory Service, respectively. at the offices of NAAS

Through the use of funds to implement the feedback NAAS measure user satisfaction of services provided by the office administrative services annually and take action to improve their administrative services. Please fill in the questionnaire !!!
Working time of NAAS and local district offices: every working day from 9.00 to 17.30 hours lunch break of employees is from 12.00 to 12.30 hours.